


  1. How to use this site
  2. Browse Vacancies
  3. My Personal Information
  4. Professional Overview
  5. Tertiary Education
  6. Employment History
  7. Supporting Document
  8. View/Print My CV
  9. My Applications
  10. My Messages

How to use this site

Welcome to the Peoplefind career site (powered by Peopleplus)! We went to great lengths to make the site as user friendly as possible so as to maximise your job-hunting opportunities. If you want to make use of the full range of services we have to offer, then you will have to register. Once you have registered on the site, you will be able to log in at a later stage to add more information. That means you can save information on your profile whenever you like. In the meantime, you can browse all the available opportunities without registering.

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Browse Vacancies

This page allows you to browse all the job vacancies posted by employers by entering your preferred job and the area in which you wish to work. Once you have entered your criteria the system will display all the matching vacancies related to your search. Simply click on the title of the vacancy to have a look at the vacancy details.

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My Personal Information

The My Personal Information page stores your personal details, such as your name, surname, age, gender, address, etc. This page also allows you to change your password and to give us permission to send notifications to your email address. We know that your personal information is sensitive information and we therefore promise never to share this information with anybody outside our recruitment team unless agreed upon in the Privacy and Terms and Conditions.

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Professional Overview

The Professional Overview is a summary of your professional career and allows a potential employer to view your professional career.
To enter the necessary information, go to the 'Description' textbox and enter a short description of yourself such as: Final year student in Business Science, with two years development experience in the procurement field etc…
You can also enter keywords that relate to your field of expertise or job you would like to apply for, e.g. accountant, project leader, general manager, call centre agent etc.
Once you are satisfied with your professional overview, click 'Save'.

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Tertiary Education

Your education history is especially important to us because it forms part of a prospective employers' selection process, as it states the quality and level of your studies.
The Education History page displays a summary of your qualifications. To add a qualification, please click on the Add button below the summary. The system will display a form on which you can enter details about your qualification. If you are applying for a Graduate opportunity, please make sure that you add a result sheet for each qualification as an attachment. This is VERY IMPORTANT, because potential employers and recruiters will then be able to see how successful you were in your studies.
Once you are satisfied with what you have entered, click "save" to store your information. You will see it being displayed in the summary menu. You may add more than one qualification if you have studied at numerous institutions or have completed numerous courses. To add another history record, navigate to the "Add" link in the top menu (picture) and click. Simply repeat the above steps to add more to your education history. You may similarly edit or delete your education history by clicking on the edit or delete buttons on right hand side of the education summary list.

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Employment History

Refers to information about your past employers you have worked for, job titles, city, positions held, your responsibilities and the dates of employment for a reference check.

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Supporting Document

Please provide certified copies of all the documents you wish to use to support your application, such as your Identity Document, Passport, certificates, letters of recommendation etc.. The information that is required varies depending on the job and employer's hiring requirements.

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View/Print My CV

As discussed in the body of this help menu when you input data into the system you are actually building your profile which is what potential employers will view when assessing potential applicants. The "View/Print My CV" allows you to print your Profile in the event that you require a paper format profile to attach to other applications.

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My Applications

The Application History page keeps track of all the jobs that you have applied for through the Peoplefind careers portal. You can at any time click on the page and view all communication relating to your job application.

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My Messages

We purposefully built a page for you where you can have a look at all the email correspondence between us and the potential employer/recruiter. Simply click on the links to read your email messages. The system will display the last 25 messages only.

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